Lateiner Gang Book Review Spot
Bio: TLGBRS is unique in many ways. First, we are a family of bloggers with different opinions as well as the ability to review different books. Second, our reviews are unique. We do give a descriptive summary of the book we are reviewing, giving our readers just enough that they are anxious to read the book we are reviewing without actually giving anything away as far as spoilers. It is a different way of reviewing, but people seem to like it. Also, we have a policy, we only review books we like a lot to books we love. If you don't see a book reviewed, it doesn't mean we didn't like it, but what is up there, you know it got our approval. Lastly, we are always trying to post continuous interesting content. We have reviews, interviews, events, constant contests, and of course, our weekly column, "The Sunday Scoop", in which it's sort of a way for readers to get some inside info on what we are doing in life, whether it be re: books or whatever!
Country: United States
Email: tlgbrs@gmail.com