Reading Until Dawn
Hey guys! Thanks for visiting my page at the YA Blogosphere! I'm 16 years old and as you can all probably guess, absolutely obsessed with anything book related. I've been reading for as long as I can remember but only just started getting really interested in 2012, right after I got my very first Kindle! I decided to start blogging about six months back because none of my face to face friends shared the same passion I had for reading. So instead of gushing about all of my fave books only to get weirded out faces in return, I decided to make a blog to find people who shared my bookish addiction!
I usually stick to reading books from the YA genre, but once in a while I'll delve into New Adult or Middle Grade books. For example, the Percy Jackson series. Because we all know that you can never be too old to read about his crazy adventures. xD My interests in the YA genre are Mythology, Paranormal, Dystopian, Fantasy, etc. The only books that I usually avoid are those of the Contemporary genre, which for some reason bore me to tears. I also tend to stay away from those of the ghost/zombie variety. There's just something about them....that scares the crap out of me. Other than that, I'm a pretty eclectic reader and not afraid to try new things!
When I'm not reading, you can find me at the movies (No doubt obsessing over the newest book to movie adaption), baking yummy foods (I have a sweet tooth), or attempting to make something cool in graphic design. Sadly, I'm still a newbie and usually epically fail at it. Now that I've bored you with my life story, have a great day! And feel free to drop by my blog at www.readinguntildawn.blogspot.com any time you like. :D
Contributor: Daphne Fox
Email: foreverfree50@gmail.com
Country: USA