guys! My name is Camille and I'm a teenager who spends a little too
much time with the books (not that that's entirely a bad thing!) High
school can get boring sometimes when it's not stressing me, so my
favorite thing to do when I'm not freaking out over math tests is to
read. Romance, fantasy, and especially YA Fiction, you name it, I'll
read it.
Compulsive reader is my middle name. So I thought, what better way to
share my love for reading than to make a blog? Thus Viva la Bookworm was
born. My philosophy is I'm only young once so I might as well read as
many YA novels as I possibly can before I get older than these
characters. I review whatever I can get my hands on, and with my library
being across the street from my school (it's awesomely huge), my book
shelves are always full.
Email: pretty.wombats@gmail.com
Country: USA